Can You Keep a .NET Secret? Managing Application Configuration with Azure
In every application you develop, you'll need to handle secrets, settings, and connection strings across different environments. While these are often stored in appsettings files for each environment, is that really the most secure and efficient approach?
In this session, Lindsey will demystify how the .NET configuration system works behind the scenes. You'll learn how to securely store your secrets using Azure Key Vault and manage them more effectively. Additionally, Lindsey will show you how to make safe, real-time changes to your settings using Azure App Configuration.
By the end of this session, you'll understand how Azure Key Vault and App Configuration can revolutionize the way you manage secrets, settings, and connection strings, making your approach more secure and adaptable!

Lindsey Broos
Lindsey Broos is a .NET Consultant at Team4Talent in Belgium. Lindsey is an active figure in the tech community: she leads Visug (the .NET User Group in Belgium) and contributes as a content crew member to Techorama, the largest Microsoft-oriented conference in Belgium and the Netherlands. In addition to her impactful community involvement, Lindsey is also a Pluralsight author, sharing her expertise through online courses and contributing to the continuous learning of the global tech community. Her diverse background by first being a lab technician for 10 years, spanning both medical and technological domains, is reflected in her dynamic approach to software development, community engagement, and educational outreach.
.NET Aspire: Let's build a cloud application with baked in observability
.NET Aspire is a new opinionated developer stack to build observable, production ready, distributed applications.
So let us take a look at what it can do and how it can help us deliver new cloud applications.
There is a big focus on observability, all build on top of OpenTelemetry. This for logs, metrics and traces.
Practical information
Location: Team4Talent, Houtdok-Noordkaai 12, 2030 Antwerpen
- 18u: Welcome with drinks and bites
- 18u30: Can You Keep a .NET Secret? Managing Application Configuration with Azure - Lindsey Broos
- 19u30: Break
- 19u45: .NET Aspire: Let's build a cloud application with baked in observability - Glenn Versweyveld
- 20u45: Networking